10 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Teori belajar kognitif dan kostructivisme memiliki padangan yang berbeda dengan teori belajar tradisional. Anak didik tidak dipandang sebagai penerima informasi yang pasif, akan tetapi mereka secara aktif mengkonstruksi pengetahuan. Self-explanation adalah strategi belajar yang mendukung asumsi pembelajaran tersebut dan merupakan kegiatan konstruktif yang mendukung terintegrasinya pengetahuan baru dengan pengetahuan awal anak didik dengan baik. Penggunaan strategi ini dapat membantu anak didik memiliki representasi pengetahuan yang komprehensif, menfasilitasi pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap materi yang dipelajari, dan kemudahan dalam pengaksesan kembali informasi yang telah di simpan dalam memori.Abstract: Cognitive and constructivism learning theory have different views with traditional learning theory. Students are not viewed as passive recipients of information, but they actively construct knowledge. Self-explanation is a learning strategy that supports this learning assumption, and it is a constructive activity that supports the integration of new knowledge with prior knowledge of students well. The use of this strategy can help students to have a comprehensive knowledge representation facilitating in-depth understanding of the material being studied, and the ease in accessing back the information that is stored in memory


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    Every individual has the potential to be creative. Creativity is more than the use of someone’s imagination. This is a lifestyle, personality characteristic, and ways of understanding the world.Creativity depends on two main factors namely here-dity (nature) and the influence of environment (nurture). To support the develop-ment of this students’ creative potential, there is a need for an instructional design that facilitate the active participation of students in explorating their potential, trying out, examining, hypothesizing, and finding out a new creative idea. Be-sides, instructors should develop openness and respecting students thinking. Do-ing this is a way to respond tothedemand of the era


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    Abstrak:Artikel ini merupakan hasil kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Fokus ke­gi­atan ini adalah upaya menjembatani pembelajaran di LPTK dan sekolah de­ngan menggunakan model service learning. Model ini merupakan salah satu ex­pe­riental learning yang memberikan pengalaman belajar dalam bentuk pemberian la­yanan kepada masyarakat. Ciri khas model ini adalah proses pembelajaran yang diintegrasikan dengan pengalaman lapangan dan adanya proses refleksi. Me­tode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode partisipatoris dengan melibatkan madrasah mitra merumuskan dan menganalisis mengenai aset yang di­miliki dan kebutuhan sekolah yang sesuai dengan mata kuliah pedagogik. Ha­sil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran service learning dalam pem­belajaran mata kuliah pedagogik memberi dampak pada penguasaan pe­nge­ta­huan yang lebih baik. Hal ini disebabkan oleh pengalaman pengamatan lang­sung di sekolah terkait fenomena yang menjadi fokus teori. Selain itu kemam­pu­an berpikir kritis dan analitis juga lebih terlatih melalui proses refleksi. Hal lain yang juga berkembang dengan baik, adalah sikap peduli dan kepekaan terhadap ma­salah di sekolah.Abstract:This article is the result of community service activities. The focus of this activity is the effort to bridge learning in LPTK and schools by using service learning mo­del. This model is one of the experiential learning, which provides a learning experince in the form of community service. The characteristics of this model is the learning process that is integrated with experience and reflection. The me­thod used in this activity is a participatory method involving partner madrasah to for­mulate and analyze potential assets and school needs based on pedagogic cour­ses. The result of community service shows that service learning model in the pe­da­go­gi­cal course has an impact on better knowledge mastery. This is due to the direct ob­servation’s experience in the school. In addition, critical thinking and analytical skills are also better trained through the process of reflection. The other things that al­so developed well are the caring attitude and sensitivity on problems in school


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    The objective of this research was to find out the effectiveness of outdoor learning technique in increasing students’ English expression skill at the second-grade students of a vocational school in Makassar. This research employed quasi-experimental namely non-equivalent control group design with pre-test and post-test. There were two variables in this research; they were independent variable (Outdoor Learning Method) and dependent variable (students’ English Expression skill). The population of this research was the second of a vocational school in Makassar which composes of 179 students. The sample of the research consisted of 40 students which was taken by using purposive sampling technique, 20 students from XI MMD as the experimental class and 20 students from XI RPL as control class. The instrument used in this research was test. The test was used in the pre-test and post-test. The mean score on the post-test (73.9) in the experimental class was higher than the mean score on the post-test (68.9) in the control class. The standard deviation on the post-test (7.7) in the experimental class and the standard deviation of the post-test in the control class (7.6). From the t-test, the researcher found that the value of the t-test (5.747) was higher than the t-table (2.042) at the level of significant 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = 38. The effectiveness of Outdoor Learning method also can be seen from the effectiveness test, where the result of the test is 0.24(R<1). The data indicated that there was a significance difference between the students’ post-test in the experimental class and post-test in the controlled class. The result of hypothesis test showed that Outdoor Learning Method was significantly effective. Therefore, Outdoor learning method is effective in increasing students’ English expression skill

    Peranan Kepuasan Kebutuhan Dasar Psikologis dan Orientasi Tujuan Mastery Approach terhadap Belajar Berdasar Regulasi Diri

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    This research aims at empirically examining the role of basic psychological need satisfaction and mastery approach goal orientation toward the self-regulated learning of the university students. The subject of this research consisted of 240 students the third, the fifth, and the seventh semester students of the faculty of education and teaching at the State Islamic University Makassar derived from eight departments. The sample taken by using multi stage cluster random sampling tecnique. The research instruments used were the self-regulated learning scale, the psychological basic need scale, and the mastery approach goal orientation scale. The data analyzed by using multiple regression analysis. The result shows that the value of Fregression = 115.303, and the value of p < 0.001. This means that the hypothesis of this research is accepted or the basic psychological need together with the mastery approach goal orientation can significantly predict the self- regulated learning of the university students with effective contribution R 2 = 0.493 or 49.3%. Partially, the two predictors showed a different contribution where the basic psychological need satisfaction contributed 4.9% and the mastery approach goal orientation contributed 44.4% to the self-regulated learning of the university students


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    Teori perkembangan remaja berfokus pada diskusi tentang perubahan-perubahan yang dialami oleh remaja dalam per-kembangannya, yaitu perubahan biologis, psikologis, kognitif, dan sosial. Perubahan-perubahan ini mempengaruhi perkembangan peri-laku remaja. Pada periode ini, remaja mengalami krisis identitas (identity crisis) dimana mereka mempertanyakan status keberadaan mereka di tengah masyarakat. Pada proses pencarian jati diri ini, kebutuhan akan penghargaan yang positif terhadap diri mereka (positive self-esteem) menjadi sangat penting karena hal itu dapat membantu mereka beradaptasi dengan tekanan dari kelompok sebaya (peer pressure). Perkembangan remaja juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan langsung mereka (immediate environment) dalam hal ini kelompok sebaya (peer group) disaat mereka meninggalkan rumah dan bergabung dengan kelompok tersebut


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    Abstract: Self-regulated learning is very important for university students to adapt with their academic demand and it is very critical in the lifelong learning process that allow them to face later real life challenges. It refers to their active role in taking responsibility with their learning or their active activities in directing themselves in learning and regulating many areas such as their cognitive, behavior, context, and motivation in order to achieve their learning goals. Self-Regulated learning is based on social cognitive theory and factor affecting it which is explained in the reciprocal triadic between individual, behavior, and environment. Besides, the positive influences of self-regulated learning on students learning have been supported by many empirical evidences. Abstrak: Belajar berdasar regulasi diri sangat penting bagi mahasiswa untuk dapat beradaptasi dengan tuntutan akademik dan sangat penting dalam proses pembelajaran seumur hidup untuk beradaptasi dengan tantangan hidup di masa depan. Belajar berdasar regulasi diri mengacu kepada peran aktif mereka dalam mengambil tanggung jawab dalam belajar atau kegiatan aktif dalam menga­rah­kan diri dalam belajar dengan meregulasi berbagai area seperti kognitif, perilaku, konteks, dan motivasi untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajarannya. Belajar berdasar regulsi diri didasarkan pada teori sosial kognitif dan faktor yang berngaruh dijelaskan dengan hubungan triadik resiprokal antara individu, perilaku, dan lingkungan. Selain itu, pengaruh positif belajar berdasar regulasi diri terhadap pembelajaran telah didukung oleh bukti empiris


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    Teori perkembangan remaja berfokus pada diskusi tentang perubahan-perubahan yang dialami oleh remaja dalam per-kembangannya, yaitu perubahan biologis, psikologis, kognitif, dan sosial. Perubahan-perubahan ini mempengaruhi perkembangan peri-laku remaja. Pada periode ini, remaja mengalami krisis identitas (identity crisis) dimana mereka mempertanyakan status keberadaan mereka di tengah masyarakat. Pada proses pencarian jati diri ini, kebutuhan akan penghargaan yang positif terhadap diri mereka (positive self-esteem) menjadi sangat penting karena hal itu dapat membantu mereka beradaptasi dengan tekanan dari kelompok sebaya (peer pressure). Perkembangan remaja juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan langsung mereka (immediate environment) dalam hal ini kelompok sebaya (peer group) disaat mereka meninggalkan rumah dan bergabung dengan kelompok tersebut